Kodiak Autonomous Truck - The Road to Autonomy

Developing a Versatile Autonomous Driving Business

Andreas Wendel, CTO, Kodiak joined Grayson Brulte on The Road to Autonomy podcast to discuss developing a versatile autonomous driving business.

From the founding of Kodiak, the company has been focused on developing a versatile, safe autonomous driving system that can operate in various environments and weather conditions. This is achievable because of the company’s modular neural architecture that is combined with their verifiable AI approach.

A key part of the architecture is their patented SensorPods. SensorPods enable increased functionality and easy maintenance without technicians having to go through rigorous training. The modularity of the autonomous driving stack extends to the compute and actuation systems, making Kodiak’s technology highly adaptable and maintainable.

Recorded on Thursday July 25, 2024

Episode Chapters

  • 0:00 Developing an Autonomous Driving Stack
  • 7:10 Verifiable AI
  • 10:49 Maps
  • 13:07 Autonomy for the Military
  • 16:07 SensorPods
  • 22:36 Changing Approach to the Autonomous Driving Stack
  • 26:47 Moving Away from LiDAR
  • 29:17 Launching Fully Autonomous Operations with Atlas Energy
  • 34:40 Hardware Enclosures
  • 37:18 Operating Environments and Future Vehicles
  • 41:05 Growing The Kodiak Business
  • 44:14 Key Takeaways

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