Waymo Autonomous Vehicle - The Road to Autonomy

$50 Billion to Create the Metaverse, $30 billion to Create Waymo

Alphabet often gets criticized for overspending on Waymo, when in reality Alphabet’s spending on Waymo is moderate when compared to its tech peers.

Meta has spent $48.9 billion building the metaverse and Apple reportedly spent $20 billion building the Vision Pro. Alphabet on the other hand has spent an estimated $30 billion creating Waymo.

To put this into yearly context, Bank of America estimates Alphabet spends $1.5 billion a year on Waymo. In Q2 2024, Meta spent $4.8 billion on Reality Labs.

Meta spends more in a quarter building the Metaverse than Alphabet spends in an entire year on Waymo.


  • 0:00 Alphabet Spending on Waymo Compared to Meta and Apple
  • 1:32 Waymo Milestones and Revenue Projections in California
  • 2:28 Waymo Growth Markets

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